2011 iphone diaries

the year begins in the heat of north queensland

my cousin and sister in the flooded park

words for our future children

taking pictures on the way from brisbane to toowoomba

sleeping in a pitched tent in my grandparent's garden

sunday morning at my aunt's house (before being jumped on by wide-awake children)

belle riding on m's shoulders

the super 8 that m picked up at a swapmeet

a rainbow on valentine's (m cooked a picnic basket's worth of food and we took the girls to the park)

sleepy sommer in the back of the car

some old photographs from a wooden chest. left, my mother as a child and right, my young grandparents

some angry geese we met on our adventures with the girls

spiderbite sick belle getting cuddles from her mother

dinner with maria- she'd flown me to victoria to shoot for her salon

some art i liked pasted on the wall of an elevator in melbourne

the beginning of our street when it wasn't yet ours

a map of the town & the first inspection

the first few nights spent on the cold floor (but we couldn't have cared less)

making it home

days later when m had finished putting the ikea furniture together

our mountains

our special place at the end of the street

a place found while exploring

on a ferry, taking sommer, belle and freya to luna park

taking the three sisters to see the three sisters

red dirt land

adventure to a graveyard

a late night swingset date with m

painting the girl's bookcase & belle's picture for m

leaving on the greyhound bus

shooting danielle in front of the harbour bridge

danielle asleep on the long train ride back from the city

lighting the fireplace for the first time

our day and night of snow

m editing a short film i shot for a clothing label

winter fog in katoomba

two very magical lines

sweet writing in m's journal

shooting a lookbook for milk & honey

early morning bondi

m asleep beside his sister, ashlin

taking m's sisters to the cinema in perth

flying over sydney

my gatepass

one of the billabong models busking in a french train station

fruit for dinner in paris (thank-you pregnancy cravings)

m and his camera, at a restaurant in provence

travelling across europe by train

seaside cafes

a boutique hotel in florence (and me hiding in my hair)

the view from our balcony in cinque terre, italy

the view from to the right, a garden of umbrellas

m sleeping on the train back from the airport

a train crushed by a falling tree when there were storms in the mountains

a note m left on our blackboard after an argument

the warmth that is us

m's 21st birthday presents, a guitar and a banjo

arriving in auckland, new zealand at night

a monstrous rock at piha beach

m in our hotel room

later on in auckland, the image i'd shot for bic runga pasted on a wall

a naked tree a few stations over

picnic by a waterfall

the only day of sun in many months of cold

the pub down the street, with forever lit fireplaces

me reading in a bookstore in the city

interview in yen magazine

the beginning of a belly at 18 weeks

night trains through vietnam

saigon through the taxi window

our hotel room in nha trang

restaurant by the river

a cat startled by a family of scuttling crabs

lazy beach days in hoi an

summer fruit

pre-meal uno ritual

shopping for things for alba in markets

a drawing and a tiny dress for alba

alba's hammock & stuffed animals from saigon

25 weeks

our new rocking chair, with car lights streaming through foliage onto our door

spring flower picking

wishing goodness for our baby

28 weeks and an iced chocolate from my favourite cafe

making tiramisu to quieten cravings

picking up my little brother from the station in the pouring rain

monopoly with zake and m

my favourite grocer in the world

30 weeks & lunch inbetween hypnobirthing classes with m

late afternoon walks down our street

photographing the lead singer of the preachers

my early christmas present from my love

my brother getting his first tattoo (a few days after a very messy 18th)

zake's flying spaghetti monster tattoo

in my best friend's pool in the townsville heat

my sister and cousin painting me

my rainbow belly

watching the birds in the trees from our bed

35 weeks

one month left

pictures by me and by my love, taken on our iphones throughout the year.