Another Side

“To reduce your fat, you should…” When my friend started advising me, I neither listened nor argued. I’ve been trying everything from yoga, dieting, swimming, gym workouts, walking etc etc. Nothing found to be so effective for me. Once I realized it is not fully my fault, I am not much worried about this.

Let people say whatever they want, why should I waste my energy convincing the real fact! My best friends who know me well know the reason. May be to make me happy, they gave me a very sweet name, TEDDY BEAR! Well, some of my friends used to tell me ‘teddy will never look cute when it is slim’…

World looks at you like an unusual creature if you are a little fat or plump. Even if you are obese because of health, hereditary or hormonal problems, you still belong to an ‘over eating’ category. Again, the world of fashion is framed for slim beauties. I wonder why designers never see that there is a group of people who cannot fit into these costumes! The word ‘beauty’ seems to be a synonym for slim these days.

It is believed that a person to be perfect, he/she should be fair, tall and slim! There are a number of guys or girls who go behind these three aspects. If any of these elements is lacking, they are teased to the maximum. So they struggle to maintain zero size and try all the fairness cream. Because of unscientific dieting, many have lost their lives after suffering from serious illnesses!

God has created us in different shapes and sizes. No two individuals can have same structure. You may be fat, slim, fair, dark, tall or short. Every individual has his/her own identity. It is not the physical facet that makes you a human. Ultimately, your words and behavior determines the humanity in you! If you need to be appreciated, you should have an attitude to respect and encourage the fellowmen around you.